These fruits contain loads of vitamin C and magnesium

Aug 26, 2013 19:01 GMT  ·  By

US scientists now claim that men who are looking to become fathers but have fertility issues might up their chances to have children should they pick up the habit of eating raspberries.

Apparently, these fruits are highly rich in vitamin C and magnesium, sources say.

Vitamin C has previously been proven to both make male gametes less susceptible to damage, and up their count.

In fact, investigations have revealed that men over the age of 44 who eat loads of vitamin C are about 20% less likely to show signs of damage in the DNA of their gametes.

Magnesium, on the other hand, is believed to stimulate the production of testosterone.

Interestingly enough, it appears that raspberries also benefit women. Thus, the antioxidants they contain lower the risk of miscarriage.

“Raspberries have not yet been given the ‘super-food’ recognition of other berries, but they have a comparable bounty of nutrients which shouldn't be ignored.”

“Alongside their many health benefits, raspberries are a perfect snack for couples trying to conceive,” researcher Juliet Wilson wished to stress.