Specialists explain the odd disorder, known as Cutis laxa, caused the skin on the woman's face and neck to sag

Dec 9, 2014 13:54 GMT  ·  By

It's downright impossible to tell just by looking at her, but Hu Juan, who now lives in China's Hunan province, is not a woman in her 70s or even in her 60s. She is actually 28 years old and only looks like she had long passed her prime because of a rare condition.

That's right, the wrinkles on this woman's face and neck did not form due to natural aging processes. They appeared because of an odd disorder that caused Hu Juan's skin to sag at a freakishly rapid face.

The condition is nothing short of a nightmare

As it turns out, the scientific community is no stranger to the condition that turned 28-year-old Hu Juan into an old woman. Thus, researchers say that this disorder is named Cutis laxa. Although very rare, it's not unheard of.

Scientists who have taken the time to study this disorder describe Cutis laxa as a condition that affects a person's connective tissues, which form the body's supportive framework. In Hu Juan's case, it took its toll on her face and neck skim.

However, this disorder can also affect the heart, blood vessels, intestines and even the lungs. In extreme cases, it can cause movement problems, intellectual disabilities, seizures and even medical complications that ultimately lead to death.

Studies carried out over the years have shown that this condition is caused by genetic mutations affecting the formation and function of the elastic fibers that serve to ensure the strength and flexibility of connective tissues.

It is understood that, so far, some 200 cases of families affected by Cutis laxa have been documented across the globe. The bad news is that, for the time being at least, scientists are clueless about how this condition might be cured.

28-year-old Hu Juan's story

Oddity Central tells us that this woman in China developed Cutis laxa about a decade ago, following the birth of her second son. Thus, the 28-year-old says that she noticed that she was aging at a rapid pace for no apparent reason.

Just half a year after the birth of her son, Hu Juan's appearance had changed to such an extent that she could no longer recognize herself in the mirror. After being examined by several specialists, she was told that her aging was due to a rare and incurable condition.

The 28-year-old confesses that, because of her looks, she almost never leaves the house. At one point, things got so bad that the woman even considered ending her own life. However, her husband persuaded her that she still had plenty of things to live for.

It is understood that, in late November, the woman had an appointment with a team of doctors working at a clinic in Shanghai. These specialists hope that, by operating on the 28-year-old, they might be able to remove some of the wrinkles and make her skin a tad more elastic.

The problem is that, given the severity of the woman's condition, the procedure might not be as successful as Hu Juan wants it to be, the doctors handling this case explain.

Rare condition causes woman's skin to sag (5 Images)

28-year-old Hu Juan suffers from a rare genetic disorder
The disorder caused the skin on her face and neck to sagHu Juan now looks like a woman in her 60s or 70s