'They don't know how to work their stolen MP3 players'

Mar 5, 2007 09:18 GMT  ·  By

Everybody knows (whether they want to admit it or not) that the funniest jokes are made upon aspects like looks, habits or accents that can all be included in bigger categories, one of which is race. One particular race of people will have particular habits (wedding rituals, festivities etc), looks (first of all determined by the color of the skin, hair, then facial particularities like shape of the eyes, mouth or nose) and accents, which all stand-up comedians practically base their whole work on.

All this being said, let's talk about what others think of jokes made upon race and how some make their jokes upon race. Guys at Destructoid made a few, well actually more than a few comments regarding the Mexican gaming community, their language and habits.

They talked about how Mexicans will "rent" you a girl really cheap (for like 2 bucks), because: "What? Mexicans aren't people...?," like it's pretty normal to dis them as a race, even if it was a mere joke. Also, they said something like: Mexicans "don't know how to work their stolen MP3 players." For saying these words, it was only a matter of time before someone would have responded.

Now, even if guys at Destructoid didn't mean any harm with their comments, some of them were indeed a little harsh to say the least, so naturally, someone stepped up and answered back. That someone, Kimberly, also made a clip on Youtube to show the content of the racist comments made towards the Mexican gaming community, on the actual episode (18) of Podtoid and expressed his/her disgust even if before this, he/she was a Destructoid fan. What those guys didn't understand and neither did I is how on Earth was this person a fan up until their comments about Mexicans? Surely these weren't their first jokes of this kind.