Mar 31, 2011 14:27 GMT  ·  By

The need for higher security some time ago prompted the creation of a certain device called RAVENAlert, and it looks like the company behind the creation of the devices has now added extra functionality.

Nowadays, it looks like security measures are getting tighter and more sophisticated around many venues.

Granted, this might be understandable, considering just how many shootings, often lethal, actually occur on campuses and around other public spaces.

In order to more effectively counteract such threats, the need came for a means to somehow notify each and every person in a certain area at once.

One such solution is the RAVENAlert system, developed by IntelliGuard Systems. Basically, it is a very small device that can be hooked up to a key ring or bag.

“We're [...] helping schools set up RAVENAlert retail programs with area merchants who are happy to promote school safety by offering discounts to students who carry their keychain.”

The product has an actual LCD screen and is wirelessly connected to a sort of central relay which can sent messages to students and faculty. Basically, it will let all holders know of any emergency within 20 seconds.

The RAVENAlert is already being used by some campuses so IntelliGuard decided to expand their use by putting in a flash drive-like storage capacity of 4 GB. This comes as a bonus over the rechargeable battery and a digital clock.

“Initial reaction to our first generation emergency alert system has been overwhelmingly positive. However, as we continue to evolve our technology we’re focusing on ways that can better integrate campus safety with the everyday needs of a student.

“By incorporating a memory stick into the keychain device, we’re giving students an added reason to have their RAVENAlert device with them at all times,” said Dave Andersen, President and Chief Operating Officer of IntelliGuard Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of American Messaging Services.