The robot's awareness of its environment is higher than ever

Mar 15, 2012 15:56 GMT  ·  By

Remember the Qbo robots? The ones that we wrote about just before new year came and went?

Well, it looks like the open-source project managed to find a way to increase the awareness of the small bots.

The Qbo already had a pair of HD webcams for eyes and four ultrasonic sensors for something akin to echolocation (two up in front and two on the back).

Now, TheCorpora team have added the Xtion Pro Live sensor from ASUS, which brings 3D to the mix, in much the same way as Microsoft's Kinect.

“This sensor emits a 3D point cloud that, along with the robot’s odometry sensor and the incorporated gyroscope, enables to build maps, 3D modeling of objects and autonomous localization in real-time,” the TheCorpora team says of the modification.

The Qbo should go up for sale later this year (2012). Not sure exactly when though.