No DSP involved

Jan 7, 2009 14:22 GMT  ·  By

The audio purists claim that there is no need to use DSP excessively, as the sound cannot get any more “natural” that it already is, and digital technologies actually cannot add the lifelike warmth so sought after by discerning listeners. Today's audio relies on DSP (Digital Signal Processing) in order to recreate some of the everyday environments with an as much as possible natural character, but some say that the technology is actually getting in the way of the sound and wrecks it completely. Among the manufacturers which have made a pledge to keep the sound as natural as possible, Psyko Audio steps now forth and announces the amazing Psyko 5.1 gaming headphones.

If you're thinking “revolutionary,” be prepared to let your digital dreams aside and embrace simple, yet straightforward solutions to make audio behave naturally: waveguides!

Unlike the rest of the surround/multi-channel headphones out there, the Psyko 5.1 have dropped the overloaded digital projects, and went on trying to find a natural way to reproduce the spatial ambiance of sound. Instead of relying on complex processing, the Psyko 5.1 use waveguides, which send the sound to the front side of and behind the ears, respectively, and create a more realistic audio stage.

The absence of digital processing and associated circuitry delivers zero latency, and eliminates the need of further processing to compensate for these delays. Each small driver has been carefully positioned and will deliver its audio response in the specific manner, re-creating the dynamics of sound inside an ideal surround room. The exact calculations for placing the drivers in their key positions also helps increase the overall efficiency of the whole system, and puts less train on the listener's ears.

Each sound is delivered to both ears, with precisely-timed, real-life delays, and this enhances the authenticity of the listening experience, while the dual subbwoofers (one in each ear cup) will provide the omnidirectional bass thump everybody's looking for in their own headsets. The Psyko 5.1 surround gaming headphones are due to start shipping in early 2009, with a price tag around $300.

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Photo Gallery (6 Images)

A cool look for the non-DSP gaming surround headphones
The drivers have been placed in the headbandPatent-applied-for waveguides have replaced the DSP