Better than The Sims 3

Jun 25, 2009 18:31 GMT  ·  By

Electronic Arts surely has high hopes for The Sims 3. After all, the series has broken sales records after sales records and the new game can be seen as being a platform on which Electronic Arts can continue to deliver content for quite a few years.

Unfortunately, the initial performance of the title does not seem to be as good as the publisher must have expected, with The Sims 3 slipping from the top spot in the United Kingdom videogame chart after just two weeks.

The new top dog in the chart is Prototype from Activision, an open world super hero game that puts you in the able shoes of Alex Merver as he tries to find out the mystery behind his powers while also navigating through a New York city that is being taken over by the Army and by infected hives.

After one week at number two, interest in the game seems to have soared. Wii Fit is also making a comeback, going up to number three in the chart even as its direct rival, EA Sports Active, is slipping down, to reach number eight.

The first new entry in the chart is Ghostbusters: The Video Game, coming as an exclusive for the PlayStation 3 and the PS2 in Europe. The game only managed to reach number four, with Call of Duty: World at War from Activision coming in close behind at number five, up two places from seven. Red Faction: Guerrilla, published by THQ, has also lost quite a few places, coming at number six, UFC 2009: Undisputed, also from THQ, being just behind it.

SEGA's Virtua Tennis 2009 is making a sort of a comeback as it has re-entered the top ten at number nine, while Grand Slam Tennis from EA Sports brings up the rear, courtesy of the debut of Wimbledon.