Hilarious new video makes fun of some of the most blatant mistakes in the film

Jun 23, 2012 10:24 GMT  ·  By

Those who’ve seen Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus,” whether they liked it or not, must know that one of the film’s gripes is the stupid way in which its scientists sometimes behave. Above is an explanation for how that came to be.

The video is a spoof prequel for the film, in which the scientists who are about to go on the mission on Prometheus are instructed on the things to do in hypothetical situations.

These include touching black goo with glove-less hands, putting their face close to aliens and, not calling for backup in critical situations but going to investigate on their own.

And, of course, trusting robots.

This “prequel” was written by Todd Womack with Mark Douglas and Bryan Olsen, and directed by Tom Small. Kudos to these guys, seriously!