Say you have a load of money and wanted to escape the world...

Sep 23, 2011 09:09 GMT  ·  By

In a world where nothing seems to be working as it should, with one financial crisis after another or ‘hungry-for-wealth’ governments, the Utopia Island yacht created by BMT Nigel Gee & Yacht Island Design of the UK comes as a breath of fresh air - or a sip of water for that matter.

Many similar designs were put to rest due to the perception that a yacht should be a form of transport. But Project Utopia, as it has been dubbed by its creators, aims to become more than just a concept.

Rich people would be the first to embrace such a project, as it not only offers a vision of the future with its extravagant expression of architecture and form, but it provides enough space to create an entire micronation.

Designed to be more of a place-to-be than an object-to-travel in, Project Utopia measures 100m (328ft) in length and breadth, and spans over 11 decks with the equivalent volume of a present‐day cruise liner.

The design is based on a four legged platform, each supporting a fully azimuthing thruster, which help in complete balancing of the structure. These units also help the yacht island redeploy between desired locations at slow speeds.

A large central structure is located in between these four legs, helping the yacht island cut through water when in motion, as well as housing a wet dock and multiple helicopter pads.

Project Utopia will house a retail district, theatre, culinary and entertainment zone, with an observatory deck offering a 360-degree view at a height of 65m (213 ft) above the water surface.

“Visions of the future are often constrained by familiarity with the present or reflection on the past,” explains James Roy, Yacht Design Director at BMT Nigel Gee, via Charter World.

“Much is made in today’s design community of starting with a blank sheet of paper yet many, if not all yacht concepts revert back to the traditional form – the perception that a yacht should be a form of transport becomes an immediate constraint.”

“Utopia is not an object to travel in, it is a place to be, an island established for anyone who has the vision to create such a place,” Roy concludes.

However, before and if Project Utopia turns real, a lot of other ideas could be experimented before it can actually provide for a flawless residence.

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Project Utopia
Project UtopiaProject Utopia