Team Dakota's game creation tool has got many people excited

Jan 11, 2014 07:24 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft’s much anticipated video game creation tool Project Spark will begin its Xbox One closed beta test sometime in February.

The Facebook announcement mentioned that players who already were in the Windows 8 beta would automatically gain access to the Xbox One beta too, once it started, and those who did not yet get to use their keys would find that they were also compatible with the Xbox One beta test version.

The announcement further added that those who gave away their Project Spark beta keys would have a chance to experience the upcoming tool first-hand, as everyone who was already in the beta would receive a second key once the Xbox One beta started.

The beta for the Windows 8 version of the game already began last month, and developer Team Dakota has not specified a precise date for the Xbox One beta start, other than February.

Those interested in signing up for a beta key can do so on the Project Spark registration page.