Feb 11, 2011 09:08 GMT  ·  By

Fuel cells might still seem to be rather far from mainstream status, but the truth of the matter is that these power sources are quite likely to become even more popular on the future, with myFC being among the first companies out there to roll out a consumer-grade, fuel-cell based power source, namely the PowerTrekk.

The PowerTrekk is a pocket size, lightweight charger capable of providing instant power anywhere, with the help of the PEM 4-cell unit 1000 mAh fuel cell, housed within a rugged, waterproof casing.

In fact, as myFC informs us, the PowerTrekk is a 2-in-1 solution that is both a portable battery pack and fuel cell, the portable battery pack being operated on its own as a ready source of power or storage buffer for the fuel cell, while the fuel cell enables instant charging from a depleted battery state without ever needing a wall charge.

The device has an rated output of 5V, 1000 mA, as well as a rated input of 5V, 500 mA, the internal Li-Ion buffer battery being a Li-ion, 1600 mAh unit.

Plus, the PowerTrekk also comes equipped with a Micro USB charging input port, plus an USB-A output port used for charging various portable devices.

"PowerTrekk has a competitive edge over traditional portable chargers. Fuel cell power is generated immediately and charging is not impacted by weather or the position of the sun, as for solar panels. Compared to battery powered travel chargers, PowerTrekk offers reliable charging as the fuel packs do not deplete as batteries do," said Bjorn Westerholm, CEO at myFC.

Unfortunately, the company has not provided any pricing and/or availability details for the PowerTrekk, but they do invite possible distributors to contact them directly, which means that the fuel cell charger should arrive on the market quite soon.