Know what to eat to lose weight and stay lean

May 6, 2009 18:01 GMT  ·  By
Knowing when and what to eat is essential to getting rock hard abs, specialists point out
   Knowing when and what to eat is essential to getting rock hard abs, specialists point out

Working out to lose weight or build muscle mass also means a change in diet, and never in the sense that we should start eating less because that would mean us being deprived of the fuel we need to burn calories. As Men’s Health points out, knowing what to eat and in which quantities can have the most beneficial results on our (and men’s in particular) physique, helping us lose the extra pounds while also building hard rock abs.

They’re called Super Foods and total 12 food groups that can either form the basis of the diet or be used solely as in-between snacks. They are, according to the popular magazine, scientifically proven to help slimmers lose weight while also strengthening the core and building muscle mass. Combined, they are, as the say, a force to be reckoned with – so gentlemen should star paying more attention to what they eat from now on if they’re really aiming for hard rock abs.

“Though you can base entire meals and snacks around these foods, you don’t have to. But do follow these guidelines. Incorporate two or three of these foods into each of your three major meals and at least one of them into each of your three snacks. Diversify your food at every meal to get a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Make sure you sneak a little bit of protein into each snack.” Men’s Health says of the 12 power foods.

To make them even easier to remember, the mag offers the shortened title of A.B.S.D.I.E.T.P.O.W.E.R 12, with each letter standing for the first letter of a food group, as follows: Almonds and other nuts, Beans and other legumes, Spinach and other green veggies, Dairy products, Instant oatmeal, Eggs, Turkey and other lean meats, Peanut butter, Olive oil, Whole-grain breads and cereals, Extra-protein (whey) powder and Raspberries and other berries.

According to the mag, each and all of these 12 super foods have been proven to do either one or more of the following: build muscle, help promote weight loss, strengthen bone, lower blood pressure, fight cancer, improve immune function and fight heart disease. Knowing how to combine them for a maximum effect is, of course, key in getting a killer six-pack ab, Men’s Health further says. So, for more on this, including tips on how and when to serve all these foods, please see here.