This is one gadget that could come in handy after late night parties

Mar 13, 2013 14:12 GMT  ·  By

Some things come as easy as breathing, but sometimes it's breathing itself that can be problematic, or rather the composition of the air being expelled while breathing out. Breathometer deals with precisely such things.

The Breathometer is probably one of the most unusual things invented over the past few months, if not years.

After all, while breath analyzers aren't exactly new, they mostly belong to policemen, especially traffic officers.

Many a drunk and slightly tipsy drivers have had their license suspended and spent nights in a cell because of those things.

As if to show just how far these things have come since the days when breath analyzers were just plastic bags that turned green, Breathometer has released the Breathometer.

Small enough to fit in a pocket, it is an electronic gadget that detects alcohol level. It allows people to know if it is safe for them to drive home or wherever they are going.

The device is meant to plug into a smartphone, since it has no way of displaying information. The phone does that, via a companion app.

Right now, Breathometer is raising funds on Indiegogo, but it is confident it will have enough before long.

Indeed, it is so confident that it expects to start shipping the breath analyzer in July, for $100 (77-100 Euro) per device. Smaller pledges, of $25 (19-25 Euro) can be made, assuming you are willing to wait until January 2014 for a shipment.

Overall, Breathometer sounds like an interesting and important enough gizmo to have around. It will make sure cops will never be able to surprise you as they used to.

For other weird inventions, check out the 20-inch 4K UHD tablet from Panasonic, the world's first 3D printed dress, the USB-powered air purifier, the Mycestro finger mouse and the Electric Cordless Kettle.