The Pope was recently photographed holding anti-fracking T-shirts

Nov 14, 2013 20:16 GMT  ·  By

Word has it that Pope Francis – you know, that guy that runs the Catholic Church – is against hydraulic fracturing.

Earlier this week, the Pope met with a bunch of environmentalists from Argentina, and was courteous enough to agree to sit for some pictures with them. What's more, he held up a couple of anti-fracking T-shirts.

“Say No to Fracking,” one of these T-shirts read. “Water Is More Precious than Gold,” another one said.

Granted, the Pope is yet to officially take a stand against hydraulic fracturing. Still, I for one highly doubt he did not realize that, simply by holding up these T-shirts, he would be sending a quite clear message to his fans.

Grist tells us that, according to environmental filmmaker Fernando “Pino” Solanas, the Pope is currently working on a papal memo that deals with threats to the environment and the need to curb pollution.

As soon as the memo is released, be sure you'll learn about it here.