The polyphenols in pomegranate juice might slow prostate cancer emergence in men

Jul 4, 2006 12:13 GMT  ·  By

A small study suggested and financially supported by a pomegranate juice maker led to the conclusion that drinking this natural juice slows the growth process of prostate cancer.

The study was conducted on 50 volunteers and showed that doubling the levels of the protein that indicates this type of cancer in their blood took longer than in other people suffering from the same severe disease.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by prostate gland cells only. The rising levels of PSA in one's blood indicate benign enlargement of the prostate gland, an infection of the prostate gland or cancer of the prostate.

Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice daily extended the period of PSA doubling to an average of 54 months, as compared to previous 15 months average period in the subjects that did not consume juice made from this fruit.

Though the medical team is not very sure about what is the exact miracle substance in pomegranates or how does it work, the curative effect may come from polyphenols - antioxodants in plants - in the fruit or other combination of its ingredients.

Dr. Allan Pantuck, urologist at UCLA Jonsson Cancer Centre, who led the research, stated that he does not expect pomegranate juice to completely treat prostate cancer, but it can be the natural remedy that impedes and ameliorates the symptoms of this type of cancer. Also, it is highly important to point out that pomegranates can have only beneficial effects on our body without any signs of side effects such as fatigue or impotence, as in the case of other methods of treatment.

The doctor declared for Reuters that pomegranate juice is "a very non-toxic treatment that, if it really did have that effect on doubling time, could prevent many people from going on to metastasis and hopefully from dying of prostate cancer."

Nevertheless, the research is not complete and it will be continued with an ampler study, as it is "too early to tell people with prostate cancer they should drink pomegranate juice," Dr. Pantuck also declared for Reuters.