Money and strong positions can lead to a Presidential victory

Sep 22, 2012 22:51 GMT  ·  By

I don’t really like Mitt Romney or his political positions, but I like a challenge when it comes to video games and I even sometimes appreciate playing against my own predispositions so I have tried to win the Office of President of the United States for the Republicans.

I ran a Long game in The Political Machine 2012 with Normal starting funds and using the same difficulty level as during my Obama and Biden game.

I also chose Paul Ryan as my running mate, even if other potential pairings could have brought in more votes for Mitt Romney.

On my first few turns, I planted as many HQs as possible and set them to create points for endorsements, aware of the Artificial Intelligence’s appetite for them, and I managed to secure most of them but as the price increased, I lost the ACLU and the green lobby.

I then switched to securing the South, which has been reliable Republican throughout the last few elections, and I also gathered as mighty a war chest as possible while also creating the infrastructure required to hold both Florida and Ohio.

I know that Obama is weak on things like attacking Iran and cutting taxes, so I approached those issues as much as possible where the terrain was fertile for them while playing it safer in states where the deficit and unemployment were the main problems of the voters.

Texas served as my main funding area, but I also picked up money from California and Florida, which I then used to support some strong negative ad campaigns in crucial states that showed how weak Obama was when it came to the economy.

I parked Ryan in Florida in order to secure it and the neighboring states, and then tried to narrow the race in some East Coast states, mostly just to make sure that my rival had no energy to contest Florida any more before savoring a close but comfortable victory.