No specific dates yet

Jul 12, 2010 08:11 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo might talk about their sales numbers in North America, Europe and Japan the three big markets for video games but the future of the industry will be undoubtedly linked to China and India, the most populous countries in the world, where a big number of gamers now has the means to enjoy gaming on current generation consoles. And Sony is ready to make the first big moves.

Talking to the site IndianVideoGamer Atindriya Bose, who is the leader of the Indian division of Sony PlayStation, has confirmed that the wait for PlayStation Store for India is nearly over. He stated, “We still don’t have a specific date, but the Store is in the final phases of implementation, and we’re gunning for Diwali. So PSN will be there with the PSN Store, but it will be only the game store. The video and comic stores will take time because we need country-specific permissions.”

Apparently the growing Indian gaming community that uses the PlayStation 3 as their platform of choice will be able to get most of the content which is available in other parts of the world, including demos and exclusive content which comes packed with Collector's Edition for video games. Paid content will also be included but it's not clear what currency the Indian version of the PlayStation Store will use when it is finally launched. It's also not clear whether the PlayStation Plus subscription service will be included.

Atindriya Bose also confirmed that the motion tracking PlayStation Move controller will be launched in India at some point after the middle of September world wide date, although it's not clear how long the delay could be within a time frame of 5 to 10 days. The Sony executive has said, “We’ve kept the $100 figure in mind for the start-up bundle which includes a Move controller, PlayStation Eye, and a game or demo disc.”