Coming games will create realistic behavior and facial expressions

Dec 3, 2013 07:32 GMT  ·  By

David Cage, the leader of developer Quantic Dream, believes that the computing power of the PlayStation 4 can eliminate the Uncanny Valley effect that has stopped video games from delivering more realistic experiences.

The name refers to the displeasure that gamers feel when they need to deal with characters that have features that are close to but not exactly the same as those of a real human.

He is quoted by NeoGAF as saying that, “The social dimenson, the efficient managing of digital content, the consoles' connectivity, the emergence of new technologies made possible by the machines' power, will contribute to open new possibilities and create new experiences for gamers.”

Quantic Dream specializes in titles that focus on believable characters and emotions like Beyond: Two Souls or Heavy Rain.

They are already working on a new title that will be launched on the PlayStation 4 from Sony, based on the Dark Sorcerer tech demo.