The title will use the most interesting features of the device

Apr 10, 2013 17:51 GMT  ·  By

Akihiro Hino, the leader of studio Level 5, says that his team is currently exploring a new idea for a PlayStation 4 video game.

Gematsu quotes him as saying that the game is at the moment in the planning stages, and an announcement might come soon.

He adds, “PlayStation 4 is next-gen hardware built with the network in mind, so more than graphics performance and specs, we need to think about communication—how to use the network features.”

Apparently, Level 5 has access to hardware from Sony and can create a game that exploits its most interesting features.

Level 5 is known for video games like the Professor Layton series, for Ni No Kuni and for Dragon Quest.

Gamers praise their titles for their art style, the subtle mechanics and the interesting impact of the stories they tell.