Gamers will get access to three continents on launch

Oct 19, 2012 11:21 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer and publisher Sony Online Entertainment announces that the launch date for Planetside 2, the shooter-focused MMO, will be launched on November 20 of this year all over the world, both in physical form and via digital distribution.

On launch day, gamers will be able to also play on the third continent, called Amerish, which is designed to offer an entirely new experience when compared to the already available Indar and Esamir.

The developers describe Amerish as darker than what players have experienced until now and covered in swamps, which will push gamers towards playing more cautiously and with less vehicle support.

When the game is officially launched, Sony will also perform a character wipe in order to make sure that all players start over with the same chances at success and the only benefit of beta participation is some familiarity with how the game works.

Planetside 2 is free-to-play for all those players who are interested in the setting and the mechanics, and those who are willing to pay will be able to get a number of advantages, including a faster rate of experience and skill accumulation.

The game is built around shooter mechanics, which means that the success of the player is linked to his own skill with a weapon and traditional MMO elements only come into play around the firefights.

Planetside 2 keeps many of the concepts of the original shooter MMO from Sony but updates them for a modern audience.

The developers have also already announced that they will deliver more content after launch, including continents, weapons, other equipment and potentially new planets.

Until November 20, Planetside 2 is still in beta and those who are part of the process are invited to still log in and play so that they can offer information to the development team that might then change the game via patches.