The company has investigated the issue and sees nothing wrong

Apr 12, 2013 06:13 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Sony Online Entertainment denies that random players were handed in-game cash for its Planetside 2 MMO after the company decided to compensate a number of players for purchasing duplicate items.

Reports have emerged that claimed some players had access to more Certs than they should have and were disrupting the balance of the game.

Matt Higby, a developer working on Planetside 2, has offered a lengthy explanation on the official forums of the game.

He states, “We've definitely heard the frustration from players who were not part of this grant, and looking at some of the astronomical numbers of cert points that certain accounts received it's understandable why.”

The team makes it clear that it has thoroughly investigated the rumor and that Planetside 2 continues to be balanced and fair to all gamers.