Zurich player Loris Benito was trying to catch the wild animal when he was bitten

Mar 11, 2013 18:31 GMT  ·  By

Swiss soccer player Loris Benito's finger was bitten on Sunday, March 10, as a wild animal invaded the pitch and started running around, with players from both teams chasing after it.

The video posted above has been captured during a FC Thun and Zurich Swiss Super League. You can watch as the match gets interrupted by the furry creature with a vengeance.

As the event is disrupted, players have to stop and try to catch the animal, identified as a pine marten, according to Daily Mail.

Zurich defender Loris Benito winds up catching it, but at some personal expense. The animal tries to avoid capture by biting his finger.

The team's goalkeeper, Davide Da Costa, is the one that ended up putting a stop to the marten's amusing run, probably because he was the only one wearing gloves.