Another polar bear watches the performance, seems eager to also perform the trick

May 22, 2013 07:13 GMT  ·  By

The polar bear pictured balancing a ball on the tip of its nose is a female currently living at the Brno Zoo in the Czech Republic.

Cora, as this polar bear is named, appears to be quite fond of performing such tricks, most likely to help pass the time and entertain its cubs, Kometa and Nanuk.

One of Cora's cubs is standing right behind its mother in this picture, and seems to have taken a genuine interest in figuring out how it is that its mother manages to keep that spherical object on its nose.

Odds are that, at some point in the not so distant future, Kometa and Nanuk will also grab hold of a ball and start playing with it much like their mum does.

However, it may take a while before their balancing skills are a match for Cora's.