Star continues to make headlines for acting out on social media

Mar 22, 2013 08:02 GMT  ·  By

After debuting a drastic makeover that makes her barely recognizable, Amanda Bynes continues to shock on social media. Above is her most recent tweet – an invitation to Drake, if you will… of the romantic sort.

These past couple of days, Amanda has been feeding the rumor mill by posting all sorts of cryptic messages and photos of herself on Twitter.

However, it’s her most recent tweet that’s getting the most attention, perhaps partly because it mentions a private part of her anatomy and partly because it does so in connection to singer Drake.

“I want Drake to murder my [expletive],” she writes. I’m sure she means it as a compliment.

Since before moving to New York, Amanda has been making a lot of headlines, mostly because she’s acting weird and reportedly turning her back even on her friends and family.

Hype around her didn’t die down when she went to NY, if that’s what she was hoping for. On the contrary, actually. Tweeting about how ugly Jay-Z is or how badly she wants Drake isn’t helping either.