The company will be lightening the annual Times Square ball using energy-efficient LEDs

Dec 23, 2011 13:06 GMT  ·  By
Officials from Phillips Electronics say that LEDs can trigger energy savings of up to 80%
   Officials from Phillips Electronics say that LEDs can trigger energy savings of up to 80%

The annual Times Square Ball is a tradition respected since 1907. The holiday spirit has remained the same, but a company decided to support some improvements making it more eco-friendly, nowadays when energy consumption hits alarming rates.

Since 2008, Philips Electronics has committed to reduce the energy required by the annual event, by bringing highly-efficient LEDs, Earth 911 informs.

According to an article published by Time Magazine, three years ago the company managed to install 32,256 light-emitting diodes to lighten the Times Square ball.

Phillips Electronics reveals that the energy savings triggered by replacing the old incandescent bulbs with LEDs are considerable, of up to 80%.

The same rate can be experienced by homeowners who decide to forgo traditional lighting bulbs and experience the benefits of LED products, like the 12.5-watt AmbientLED A19 that can successfully replace its old competitor.

Improving the energy consumption of the annual New Year's Eve Ball is a strategy adopted by the eco-conscious company aiming to stimulate clients and make them realize the importance of a LED Energy Star certified lightning system.

On Saturday, viewers will be able to witness the sparkling changes in person. These innovations will definitely please every individual embracing green values, since its environmental benefits look good on paper.

Officials from Phillips Electronics say that if every customer in America were to forget about traditional bulbs and switch to LEDs, such a change would stop 87.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from reaching the atmosphere.

The plan is tempting enough to convince even the less green residents, since it involves significant financial savings, of up to $15.8 billion (€12.091) otherwise spent on huge energy bills.

It seems that Phillips LED lamps are indeed a great choice, since they pay for themselves in only 18 months. Moreover, these items last for a quarter of a century, enough to prove they represent a good investment for a sustainable future.