All these bottles are made from white nylon powder

Jul 25, 2014 14:34 GMT  ·  By

You might know Peroni as a brewery that has existed since 1846, when it was founded in Vigevano, Lombardy, Italy. Among the marks that Peroni has left upon the world is a certain 25cl bottle.

That bottle has now been reimagined (to say the absolute least) by a team of new-wave artists from Italy, led by Andrea Morgante, an architect at Shiro Studio.

Under the sponsorship of Peroni and M&C Saatchi, the architects/artists developed 25 new 3D printed versions of the original 25cl bottle. Each one is supposed to represent an aspect of Italian culture (Baroque sculptures, ancient Roman ruins, 1960s icons).

Obviously, they can't be used for anything except eye candy (you can't really drink anything out of a stick outline, or a hollowed, porous even, object).

The name of the collection is “25.0” and the pieces were displayed at The House of Peroni, where many Italian creative projects were shown off over the decades. Currently, they are at The Design Museum.

Every model started out from a 3D model of the regular 25cl bottle. There were a lot more than 25 submitted, but only 25 were selected for further production. If you pass through Italy in the near future, you may see them up for sale in souvenir shops or art houses.

Peroni-sponsored 3D Printed bottles (9 Images)

3D printed bottle based on Peroni 25cl
3D printed bottle based on Peroni 25cl3D printed bottle based on Peroni 25cl