Full lyrics, artist biographies, parental controls, song history, and more

Jul 7, 2012 15:05 GMT  ·  By

Pandora Radio, the personalized radio app that only plays music you love, has received a major update this weekend containing an improved interface, lyrics, artist bios, and more.

Pandora Radio 3.2 arrives with a “visual refresh and design enhancements,” according to Pandora Media Inc.

Starting today users will be greeted by full lyrics for the songs they play, artist biographies, detailed track features from the Music Genome Project, song history (rate, bookmark, or buy previously played tracks), and parental controls for explicit lyrics.

Users will be able to start a new station directly from the Now Playing screen, and the sign-in and registration screens have been simplified to gain access to your favorite stations much faster. Last, but not least, the developers claim to have reduced battery usage by carrying out a few optimizations.

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