A nifty tool for Sony's latest gaming console, the PS Vita

Dec 5, 2011 15:25 GMT  ·  By

Just days after PS Vita has been released, here comes a nice tool destined to help Sony PS developers achieve better results: the PS VITA Firmware xTractor 2.00.

This release is part of the Homebrew Community and is intended to let the developers extract the firmware of any PS Vita. Since no official firmware has been released by Sony for this gaming console so far, it seems like the PS VITA Firmware xTractor 2.00 is the right tool for those who do not want to wait for the official files.

By understanding how the firmware inside the PS Vita works, developers will buy some precious time and will be able to create new utilities and applications to enhance the gaming experience.

One of the major updates for the 2.00 edition is the fact that the current version will work with any firmware file. The previous tool was hardcoded for a specific firmware, thus limiting the overall development potential.

Some graphic bugs were also fixed upon reports coming from various users. You can now download the PS VITA Firmware xTractor 2.00, or if you're running Linux, you can still download the PS VITA Firmware xTractor 1.01 for Linux.