Battle of the sales

Dec 8, 2006 14:39 GMT  ·  By

Yeah, you guessed, it's PS 3 trouble again! Sony must be furious with the new sales figures that NPD Group published. It turns out that 197.000 PS 3 units were shipped to the US, compared to the 400.000 that Sony had promised. Not to mention that Microsoft brought 511.000 units to the US only in November, this year. Nintendo shouldn't really worry at all about these figures, because they are somewhere on top with their 918.000 sold DS units.

I'm sure that Sony thinks about a new strategy considering that Microsoft had a one year advantage with their release of their new XBOX 360. I know some guys out there are really smiling when reading those figures right now. It's Square Enix that sold 896.000 Final Fantasy XII units, not even close, however to Microsoft's Gears of War on the XBOX 360. Again back to Nintendo they can only rejoice seeing that the Wii console seemed more awaited than the Britney Spears porn tape. And it won't come alone! 412.000 copies of Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess were already shipped to US.

The oldies don't seem to quit and just take a look at the 641.000 GameBoy Advance units or the 412.000 PSP-s; all of them sold just this November. These long numbers may seem uninteresting, but if you associate them with cash you'll feel the pulse accelerating. It's just tip money for people like Bill Gates, but this year's console sales profits will skyrocket to an unbelievable $13 billion for the current year. The final cashing in might just go over that with the Christmas and "shopahollism" we all expect to see.