Jul 19, 2011 19:11 GMT  ·  By

For a long time the Ghost Recon franchise only received ports on the PC and a lot of fans complained that they failed to deliver the same quality as the home console bound versions of the shooter, but now publisher Ubisoft says that the market is right and makes the new Online experience perfectly suited for the PC.

Theo Sanders, who is the creative director working on Ghost Recon Online, has told CVG that, “We knew it was a platform we wanted to come back to. However, until recently, the retail market for PC made it difficult to invest in a big, dedicated product.”

He added, “The emergence of online business models has brought back the opportunity to produce something dedicated to PC fans, rather than just ported multiplatform content.”

Ubisoft says that the condition of the PC retail market was the main reason for not creating Ghost Recon titles that were squarely targeted at it, but the rise of the free-to-play model and the way it has found success have persuaded the developers to work on the platform.

Ghost Recon Online is being created at the Singapore studio of Ubisoft and will be launched on the PC and also on the Wii U, the new home console from Nintendo.

The developers have said that they aim to get to the essence of the Ghost Recon experience while making sure that everything is more dynamic, suited for the modern gamer and in line with the developments seen in modern shooters like Call of Duty.

The game will be launched with all the content free to experience by anyone who is interested, but Ubisoft plans to make some content only available for those who are willing to pay, while keeping up overall interest in the game through regular updates and in-game events.