All multiplayer modes are active (TCP-IP, PBEM, Hotseat)

Jul 30, 2007 10:35 GMT  ·  By

As retailers are still probably placing copies of Combat Mission: Shock Force on their shelves (as the game has shipped just three days ago), and Battlefron has already made the game's demo available. Of course, as we always keep a close eye on the developer's activities, we're now making it available for you. Use this link to get your own Combat Mission: Shock Force demo.

Combat Mission: Shock Force is the latest and most advanced installment in the Combat Mission series. Experience a hypothetical near future conflict between NATO and Syrian forces in Syria while trying out the highly story driven semi-dynamic Campaign from a US perspective. With a highly accurate environment, real time or turn based play and an intuitive Scenario Editor you 'll be thrust into an authentic modern ground warfare experience!, says the game's description.

The demo includes: ■Two scenarios which can be played from either side ■One of the scenarios is designed as a tutorial to familiarize players with the game system ■The second scenario involves a mix of a US Stryker/Tank force encountering a Syrian Mechanized Infantry force showcasing battles set in a open, rural environment ■All multiplayer modes are active (TCP-IP, PBEM, Hotseat) ■You can access the full Game Editor, but the save function is disabled. ■The full game manual is included

According to the developer, the game uses a new graphics engine. Here's what it improves, as Battlefront themselves put it: "This new engine will also support "dark mapping." This new feature allows the developers to darken or tint certain areas of the map. This can be used to create shadows or simulate ground that's wet from rains or flooding. It may also speed up map design by allowing the designers to substitute dark-mapped dirt for mud. The feature may also be useful in defining objective areas -- rather than posting flags all over the battlefield, the designers may simply lay out tinted areas that mark key goals."

The rest is history. So again, you can download the Combat Mission: Shock Force demo right here, on Softpedia and just so you can preserve your energy for the gameplay, here's the download link again, so you don't have to scroll back up to the first paragraph. Have fun!