Women, more homosexual than men

Oct 3, 2007 19:31 GMT  ·  By

Apparently, "homosexuality" and "heterosexuality" have increasingly become two artificial terms defined by human society who's obsessed by order. People say homosexuality is not natural, but this is nonsense: if we look anywhere in nature, we'll detect animal homosexuality all around...

Hundreds of species of mammals, birds, fish, insects, lizards, snakes, turtles, salamanders and toads have been described to display homosexual behavior. Homosexuality, perceived as an unnatural phenomenon, is now widely rejected from a scientific point of view.

In some species, it is a common behavior and it even enhances the reproductive success of the colony or of the population!

But which could be the cause of human homosexuality, where does it occur (and this causes the trouble)? The American psychologist Robert Epstein believes that sexual orientation variation not matching the gender could be genetically normal. Human traits can be genetically established in two ways: fairly discrete, like eye color, or falling along a continuum, like the height. He already tackled the issue in several venues, such as the February/March 2006 article of Scientific American Mind "Do Gays Have a Choice?".

His new research shakes the common concept that everyone is strictly either "gay" or "straight", showing that this is misleading. The study was made on about 18,000 volunteers who completed an online questionnaire. "Sexual orientation actually lies on a smooth continuum, and the way people state their orientation is often a poor predictor of their true sexual behaviors and fantasies. Someone can call himself "gay" but behave "straight," and vice versa.", wrote Epstein in Scientific American.

He will report the results of his research at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality meeting in November. Epstein found the same continuum of scores in the U.S. and in 12 other countries.

The research revealed that less than 10 % of the people score as "pure" heterosexual or homosexual and on average, females are more inclined than men towards a homosexual orientation. "My study suggests that characterizing sexual orientation properly requires two numbers: mean sexual orientation (where a given person lies on the continuum) and sexual orientation range (how much flexibility or "choice" the person has in expressing that orientation, which also forms a continuum).", said Epstein.

So next time when they laugh at you just because you're gay, don't mind them! Go ahead and spend some quality time with your girlfriend / boyfriend ...or (why not?) with both.