Although it's a bit claustrophobic

Jul 4, 2008 05:38 GMT  ·  By

As you probably know only too well, home entertainment has become very important over the past few years, the available A/V media equipment being able to deliver a cinematographic experience that reaches (and quite often surpasses) those provided by "classical" theaters. However, it would seem that what we've experienced up until now doesn't even come close to what the future holds in store for us, especially if we take a look at the following device, simply dubbed... Ovei.

As Marc Chacksfield from TechRadar points out, this highly innovative product, formerly known as the "Oculus" and developed by Lee McCormack and by McLaren Applied Technologies over the past six years, is what can be best described as a complete in-cinema system created for just one person.

Practically, what we're dealing with here is a sound-isolated enclosure or pod fitted with a high-end display and equally impressive surround sound. And don't worry about getting a sweat while inside, because the Ovei has been equipped with a state-of-the-art climate control system, similar to those used in F1 and NASCAR.

Although the Ovei is designed especially for watching movies, it can be very easily retrofitted for other purposes as well. Thus, connecting the media pod to a gaming console and installing a controller in this close environment is an extremely easy task, users being thus able to really feel like they're being part of the fast-paced action going on in front of them.

Now, for the last (and worst) part: pricing. The Ovei media pod has an estimated price tag of around 50,000 pounds sterling (somewhere around 99,000 US dollars), which makes it a very exclusive media system, available for just those few people who are really willing to pay whatever it takes in order to be able to enjoy the future of home entertainment today.

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