Financial institutions in the United Kingdom are just as vulnerable as the ones in the US

Dec 5, 2011 14:31 GMT  ·  By

The newly formed alliance p0isAnon, which is behind OpRobinHood, the operation that targets banks with the purpose of aiding poor citizens, but at the same time aiming to make them withdraw their money from banks, showed that not only US banks are vulnerable.

As it turns out, BCD Credit Union from the UK presents an SQL injection vulnerability on its news page which could allow a hacker to easily penetrate their defenses.

“Haven’t been personally releasing anything lately so once a week I will release a vulnerability point in websites from random banks around the world. To prove that banks cannot keep your money safe for you,” reads a statement from a member of p0isAnon.

Like in the case of The First National Bank of Long Island, they claim that none of the information in the databases was touched to make sure no innocent people get hurt.

BCD Credit Union is just another victim on the long list of financial institutions that were proved to be weak by members of Anonymous and TeaMp0isoN.