The browser war gets the Hitler treatment

Jul 6, 2010 08:29 GMT  ·  By

Despite its basically insignificant market share, Opera is not only still alive and kicking after more than a decade and a half in development, it’s actually kicking some serious bottom. The latest release, Opera 10.60, is impressive, if only for all the new features and the hefty speed boost from the previous release, itself a major improvement over its predecessor.

Testing shows it as the fastest browser of the moment, at least when it comes to stable releases, an impressive feat considering Google Chrome’s seemingly entrenched position as the browser speed king. Even, with all of this, there is bound to be no significant uptick in Opera’s market share. It must be disappointing to the Norwegian developers, but there’s at least some consolation, Opera fans make some of the funniest spoofs on the web.

Opera 10.60 enters the exclusive group of products, people or events used as an excuse to put silly ‘subtitles’ on the memorable bunker scene in the Der Untergang (The Downfall). Exclusive in this case, means absolutely every possible subject out there. From the Xbox 360 to NBA loses, there’s nothing that can escape the ‘Hitler’ treatment.

One of the web’s most enduring memes, it’s popularity is also its biggest drawback because, let’s face it, most of the ‘Hitler’ videos out there are insipid to say the least. That’s why it’s so refreshing to see one this good. In fact, it’s refreshing to see any Hitler video at all hitting YouTube these days after the complaints from the movie’s production company and the subsequent takedowns.

Not only is the author clearly very in the know about the latest developments with Google Chrome and Opera, the timing of the subtitles and subtle hints to what Hitler is actually saying in the movie make it a cut above the rest of the videos like this.

After Opera gave us the exquisite World Record Speed Test video, a spoof of Google Chrome’s Speed Tests ads, the browser provides us with yet another example of good quality bite-size video entertainment. Spoiler alert: Hitler won’t like the fact that Opera is now faster than Chrome and he’s not known for his mild temper. [via Download Squad]

For your viewing pleasure, Opera's World Record Speed Test video conveniently embedded: