Dec 17, 2010 08:34 GMT  ·  By

OnLive, the streaming delivery service that is now available on the PC and on the Mac, has secured a patent in the United States linked to cloud-based video game streaming which might put some obstacles in the path of all other companies that are aiming to offer the same service on other devices.

The Unites States Patent and Technology Office says that Steve Perlman, who is the chief executive officer of OnLive, has invented an “apparatus and method for wireless video gaming” and then goes on to describe the method which OnLive uses to render the video game remotely and then transmit the relevant information to a unit, like the Micro Console.

The company says that there are other patents linked to OnLive that are filled and that it expects to have them awarded.

The patent could mean that other companies that are aiming to deliver video games to devices via streaming might have to license the technology from OnLive, which could then refuse to grant it to those it views as direct competitors.

Ron Perlman has said about the patent that, “Hundreds of people have worked incredibly hard for more than eight years to bring OnLive technology from the lab to the mass market, not just overcoming technical and business challenges, but overcoming immense skepticism.”

He added, “It is gratifying to not only see people throughout the world enjoying OnLive technology in the wake of so many doubters, but also receive recognition for such a key invention.”

OnLive was launched for both the PC and the Mac during the month of June of this year and in December the company has also delivered the Micro Console, allowing players to experience the service directly on their television sets.

Those who have an iPad can also use a special app to view the games that their friends are playing.