The game will blend fantasy and science fiction themes

Oct 5, 2012 14:11 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Loot Droop that’s handling the Kickstarter project for their Old School RPG project has announced that first information on the game’s story and universe, showing exactly how the game will mix science fiction and fantasy elements.

The company uses Shaker, a corporation that can move to different times and worlds, as the justification for the fact that the player can customize his character and his team.

The main character, called James Connelly, is trapped in Antera, without support and a way of getting back.

The official description from Loot Drop states, “His frontier would become his home, his form would become his being, his function and new family possibly his forever.”

The second story of Old School RPG is linked to Darien Cole, a younger Shaker operative that is also a veteran and has limited relationships with those around her.

She is sent on a mission to Tenerus, a more advanced world filled with a variety of races, and her team is also cut off with no clear way of getting back home.

The Kickstarter update from Loot Droop goes into some more detail about the two stories, but it is still not clear how they are connected or how the player will navigate from one to the other.

Old School RPG is being created by Brenda Brathwaite, who has experience working on the Wizardry series and on Dungeons & Dragons, and by Tom Hall, who worked on DOOM and Anachronox.

The team is promising to create a classic first-person role-playing game that allows gamers to define their character and their party members and then explore complex worlds, interact with a number of NPCs, solve quests and consider the consequences of their actions.

At the moment, Old School RPG has close to 5,000 backers and more than 159,000 dollars (122,000 Euro) with 30 more days left in the Kickstarter effort.