Sara Agintas wants to be slim so she can go on vacation again

Mar 28, 2012 20:11 GMT  ·  By
Woman wants NHS to pay for her gastric bypass surgery because she's too fat to work
   Woman wants NHS to pay for her gastric bypass surgery because she's too fat to work

One woman from the UK, 43-year-old mother of 6 Sara Agintas, believes taxpayers should pay for her gastric bypass surgery because she wants to be slim again, to be able to go on vacation like before. She's been gorging on junk food for years.

In a new interview with the latest print issue of Closer magazine (quotes via the Daily Mail), Mrs. Agintas, who lives entirely on benefits, says she's been eating nothing but takeaway and junk food for many years.

She claims that her love for the unhealthy stuff started when she first became pregnant, when she was 17.

After that, she never went on a diet to shed the extra weight because, she says, diets are irritating and exercise “hurts.”

Not only has she never tried to get back in shape, but she actually used each pregnancy as the perfect excuse to eat more, always saying she had to “eat for two.”

Now, at 43, she weighs 462 pounds (209.5 kg) and laments not being able to raise the money to get the surgery, because she can't work because of her weight.

As she sees it, she's incapacitated, so it's the NHS who should pay for the surgery.

“I can’t afford a personal trainer or weight-loss surgery – I need help from the taxpayer. I know it’s my fault I’m fat, but my pregnancy cravings meant I couldn’t stop eating,” she says for the publication.

What's even worse, Mrs. Agintas doesn't want to shed the weight because she's sick (which she is: she already has asthma, diabetes and arthritis) but because she wants to go on vacation again – and, in her current state, she has to buy two plane tickets, which she obviously doesn't want.

In the same interview, the unapologetic Mrs. Agintas reveals that all her 6 children have the same unhealthy eating habits, for the simple reason that she was too “lazy” (her own words) to cook for them, so she had them eat takeaway instead.

“They ate what I ate – pasties and crisps. I was lazy – it was easier to phone for a takeaway than cook. I gave them chips four times a week,” she reveals.

Useless to point out, readers in the UK – the same taxpayers who should dig deep into their pockets to pay for her gastric bypass surgery – find the things she says terribly infuriating.