He seeks to further research in the field

Mar 7, 2009 11:19 GMT  ·  By
Stem cells have the ability to cure numerous diseases that now plague the world
   Stem cells have the ability to cure numerous diseases that now plague the world

Barack Obama is currently on his way to making those who voted for him happy, taking yet another step he promised during the presidential race. At the time, he told the scientific community that he planned to lift the ban on stem cell research, which former president George W. Bush had placed, under pressure from religious groups. Obama is expected to authorize federal funds for this line of groundbreaking research as early as Monday, and reports say he will do so via an executive order.  

The main critic that religious groups bring to stem cell research is the fact that the scientists involved with this line of work get the cells they need for the studies from unused, viable human embryos. Some people, as well as the Church, believe this to be immoral, even if these embryos are only byproducts of in-vitro fertilization treatments. A furious controversy still rages on the matter, as to when is the proper time to call the embryo a human being. While some say that this happens after a few weeks, the Church says that the new human is created when fertilization of the female egg occurs.

On the other hand, proponents to allowing stem cell research to be funded publicly say that breakthroughs in this line of work could have the potential to cure very serious diseases, such as diabetes and Parkinson's. Basically, these are the “blank cells” of the human body, out of which all other types of cells can be extracted. If, say, a transplant organ is created from a person's own stem cells, then there is no chance for the body to reject it, and the patient would not have to take immunosuppressive drugs, which make it easier for other infections to affect them.  

“I strongly support expanding research on stem cells. I believe that the restrictions that President Bush has placed on funding of human embryonic stem cell research have handcuffed our scientists and hindered our ability to compete with other nations,” Obama said during the presidential race. “I feel vindicated after eight years of struggle, and I know it's going to energize my research team,” added Harvard Stem Cell Institute researcher, Dr George Daley, for the Associated Press.