Customers take to Apple’s official forums to complain, ask for a fix

Aug 4, 2012 20:51 GMT  ·  By

A thread with roughly 20,000 views should be enough to get Apple’s attention over on the company’s official forum where a flurry of customers are actively discussing a potential flaw in OS X Mountain Lion that affects battery life on MacBook laptops.

Started by a customer using the Internet handle “jpengland96,” the forum thread in question - Battery life dropped considerably on Mountain Lion - seems to indicate that Mountain Lion is using up too much of something that ultimately leads to power drainage.

“I upgraded to mountail [sic] Lion and now my battery life is about half of what it was before upgrading,” he says. “Shouldn't the update improve battery life? Also, what can I do about this?”

One user who was experiencing the same problem opined that the culprit was Spotlight indexing. Spotlight, for those who aren’t very familiar with OS X, is the system-wide search function in Apple’s operating system.

Upon installing OS X from scratch, Spotlight takes some time to locate and properly index all of the files present on the user’s hard drive.

Which is why user JoeyR chimes in to say, “If you've just upgraded, there is a lot going on.  Give your system a little time to ‘settle down’ first. Battery performance under Mountain Lion should be similar to what you were getting with Lion.”

“Also... some people use real-time virus scanners,” he adds. “As an OS upgrade replaces a significant percentage of your files, a virus scan can also be quite intensive... especially when it happens along with indexing,” the seemingly savvy user notes.

However, the issue seems widespread. There is very little chance all these customers have antivirus software installed. After all, how many Mac users you know use dedicated programs that protect OS X against malware? That’s right. Not too many.

Perhaps the most convincing post comes from user “tarpus” who said, “I've noticed my battery life decreased after the Mountain Lion upgrade, too […] I can visably [sic] see the battery draining.”

“In fact when I first started writing this post my battery was at 96% and now, three sentences later, without doing anything else, and without having any other applications running, my battery life is at 91%!” he revealed.

How about you, Softpedia readers? Anything similar going on with your Apple notebooks?

As usual, commenters are encouraged to jot down their system configuration (computer model, CPU type, memory, storage, apps that use core system components intensevely etc.) so we can try and assess the situation ourselves.

In the meanwhile, Apple might have to get its software engineers to code up a fix for OS X 10.8.1.