Oil and gas, high-tech and defense industries are targeted

Mar 5, 2013 11:52 GMT  ·  By

Norwegian National Security Authority deputy Eiliv Ofigsbo has revealed that several high-profile organizations have been targeted in sophisticated cyber espionage campaigns traced back to China.

At least 20 sophisticated cyberattaacks appear to have been launched from China.

Ofigsbo says organizations from industries such as high-tech, defense, and oil and gas have been targeted, The Nordic Page reports.

The deputy has also highlighted the fact that the report released by security firm Mandiant shows that one of the attacks launched by the Chinese military as part of the infamous APT1 campaign is against a Norwegian organization.

China has often denied the accusations made by officials and various media organizations, arguing that the source of an attack should not be determined based only on IP addresses.

Representatives of the Chinese military retaliated last week against the accusations, saying that over 62% of the attacks launched against their computer networks have been traced back to the United States.