Individuals need to make a $50 (€37) deposit for a cheap Windows 7 computer

Jun 14, 2013 11:43 GMT  ·  By
Windows XP is still installed on more than 37 percent of computers worldwide
   Windows XP is still installed on more than 37 percent of computers worldwide

Windows XP’s retirement date is getting closer, so users still running the 11-year-old OS are strongly recommended to make the move to a newer platform as soon as possible.

A nonprofit based in Audubon, PA, has apparently found a solution to convince more users to dump Windows XP: it’s offering high-quality refurbished computers running Windows 7 at very low prices.

TeamChildren asks families, schools, and organizations in the region to write a letter to explain why they need a Windows 7 computer, but also to make a $50 (€37) deposit for the new PC.

Windows XP will no longer receive updates and patches as of April 8, 2014, so Microsoft uses every single occasion to emphasize the risks of staying with Windows XP beyond this date.

An unpatched XP system is like an open door to hackers, Microsoft said, so switching to Windows 7 or 8 should be a priority.