Pistorius describes using a 9mm pistol he keeps under his pillow

Feb 20, 2013 13:31 GMT  ·  By

Oscar Pistorius' bond hearing, also covered yesterday, is revealing more information about the murder case of model Reeva Steenkamp.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel has told the court about a witness hearing “non-stop shouting” in the athlete's residence before the shooting, which would contradict Pistorius' burglary explanation.

The loud argument allegedly went on between 2 and 3 a.m., with police reaching the scene at 4.15 a.m. local time. A call was made to alert the housing complex administrator of the incident at 3.19 a.m.

The witness allegedly saw the house lights on as shots were being fired and distinctly heard a woman screaming.

Pistorius previously stated that he reacted by opening fire at an intruder because he didn't have his prosthetic legs. He described being woken up by sounds coming from the bathroom, while lights in the house were off.

RTE conveys Pistorius' innocence claim, as he explains grabbing a 9mm handgun kept under his pillow and using it, firing through the closed bathroom door.

Police believe 30-year-old Steenkamp got out of bed to go to the restroom at around 3 a.m. Forensic examiners found that her bladder was empty, proving she had just used the toilet.

TMZ notes that Reeva was sitting on the toilet when she was shot four times. Warrant officer Hilton Botha, testifying in court, has described that the athlete fired in that direction specifically.

While the athlete had a license for the 9mm, he had applications pending for 6 other weapons, including a .223 semi-automatic rifle and three shotguns.

Police have retrieved boxes of steroids, needles and testosterone from the crime scene, Daily Mail adds. The evidence could support officials' theory in which the murder was provoked by “roid rage”.

Attorney Barry Roux argues that the containers do not contain performance enhancing substances, but legal herbal remedies.