For developers as well as for users

Mar 6, 2007 15:06 GMT  ·  By

Nokia launched the SNAP Mobile Compliance Testing Program, a groundbreaking initiative that will help ensure that all SNAP Mobile connected games offer people a consistent game-playing experience. The two-part program includes free initial testing tools for developers to establish a higher standard for connected mobile Java games coming to market.

"This program benefits both industry stakeholders and end users alike," explains Markus Huttunen, SNAP Mobile Manager, Nokia. "It ensures the uniform quality and functionality of the connected features in the mobile games that play on our platform. If poor quality games are released to the consumer, there is a risk of spoiling a market that is still in its infancy."

The SNAP Mobile Compliance Testing Program lowers the barrier of entry to this process and enables growth of high-quality game development by publishers and developers who have signed up for the SNAP Mobile Platform. Through self-testing, they can detect any key issues in the design or code of their games before incurring traditionally high industry certification fees. This process means publishers and developers can bring a larger volume of high-quality mobile games to market.

The SNAP Mobile Compliance Testing Program has two distinct parts. The first part allows developers to self-test their own games for free using the provided testing tool. After completing the self-testing, developers will be required to submit their application for compliance testing, which will be conducted by SNAP Mobile-authorized testing houses. Babel Media, the leading testing house in the mobile gaming industry, is participating in the initial launch of the program. SNAP Mobile-authorized testing houses will perform the compliance testing on a fixed price basis per application.

Games from SNAP Mobile Platform Licensees that have passed through both parts of the SNAP Mobile Compliance Testing Program are eligible to be published and supported on the SNAP Mobile platform.