Beta released to the public for the latest version of the open-source app suite

May 9, 2008 10:03 GMT  ·  By 3.0 Beta has just been released for the public to test and report any issues that might have gone unnoticed. The open-source multiplatform and multilingual office suite is compatible with all other major office suites. Version 3.0 is the first version of OpenOffice that will run on Mac OS X without X11.The product is free to download, use and distribute, while users are encouraged to report any bugs or errors they might find. is an application suite that's easy to use and fluidly interoperable with every major office suite, realizing the true potential of open source. Advanced XML capabilities and native support for the OASIS Standard OpenDocument format are just a few of the features offers users with productive goals around the globe. Platforms currently supported include Mac OS X (under X11 for the secure version of the software, 2.4.0), Microsoft Windows (98 - Vista), GNU/Linux ("Linux"), Sun Solaris, and FreeBSD.

Among the updated features are the 'Start Centre' that now sports new icons and a zoom control in the status bar, workbook sharing and an increase to 1,024 columns per sheet for users of the Calc application, while Writer users will benefit from an improved notes feature that displays multiple pages during an editing session. Tweaks to the Chart application, an improved crop feature in Draw and Impress are also in order for version 3.0 of OpenOffice.

The software is not recommended for production use at this stage, notes. provides no guarantees, therefore, for production, you should download and use the most recent stable version. is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

Click HERE to download 3.0 Beta/ 2.4.0 (the latest stable version). The full version of OpenOffice 3.0 is due out in September. In the meantime, users are encouraged to report any bugs or issues right here.