2 ranking systems

Nov 23, 2006 11:49 GMT  ·  By

As the release date for Halo 3 is getting closer and closer, more information about this Bungie first-person shooter comes out. 1up visited Bungie to find out more about Halo 3's matchmaking service. The talked with the producer of Halo 3, Joseph Thung, who went on and on about his apparently, favorite subject, the Halo series.

1up wanted to know more about how will be ranking cheating prevented in Halo 3, as opposed to Halo 2. Bungie representatives explained that they will introduce a second ranking system. One ranking system will be skill-based, while the other one will be experience-based.

The primary raking evaluation system will be the skill-based one, and the experience-based system will be used as a secondary one and will analyze how much time a player has spent playing Halo and will not be specific to any playlist.

A search option for a particular map was not implemented in Halo 2, but Bungie developers are trying to implement such an option in the next installment of the Halo series. They vowed to give us more information in the near future.

Halo 3 will also feature some key features from Halo 2, namely the Party System, but don't get me wrong, Bungie will make some improvements to it.