We might get rid of a problem?

Oct 9, 2007 09:14 GMT  ·  By

There just might be a chance to stop malware authors, for good, that is. Sure, I agree that we are not close to that point but we are going towards it. Now, how do you stop people from writing viruses? Well, you certainly can't have a cop next to every user to bop him or her one on the noggin whenever he starts doing something bad. However, other things can be done! Let's go to the bottom of things - why do people write viruses? Well, at the beginning it was just for fun, but now, it's all about the money! So, as long as these people find evil-hacking and malware authoring a lucrative business they will continue their practices!

Now, if laws are better applied, more examples will be set and also, people will get better informed about the dangers on the web, then, bad people on the Internet just might be stopped! Why? Because it's going to be very damn hard for them. If you want to stop them from hacking, scamming etc. you have to stop them from trying. If they start seeing the business as non-lucrative they will drop it!

And I say that we're on the right way, just by reading the latest news. A lot of people have been arrested for their wrong-doings on the web! The botmaster that downed CastleCops has been busted, Rober Moore who was behind the clever VoIP scheme, busted as well, Fujacks authors nabbed too and the list continues. As the Police are taking these matters more and more seriously, the bad guys are going down! I don't think that this is going to happen any time soon, as cyber-crime is quite flourishing at the moment, but there is hope that it will be brought down!