Made of aloe

Sep 28, 2007 07:30 GMT  ·  By

Children could no longer be terrified because of a new method of delivering a vaccine developed at Texas A&M University. The new vaccine would turn into a jelly when sprayed into the nose.

"Even though trial treatments are being used to treat bird flu in humans, the vaccine has the potential for numerous other uses, such as for the common flu shot," said Dr. Ian Tizard, professor of pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences.

"We take Aloe vera leaves and put them through a series of complex extraction steps to produce a chemically pure powder, and then we combine the flu vaccine with it. When this powder vaccine is puffed into the nose, it forms a jelly-like substance that clings to the inside of the nose and is absorbed into the body much more effectively. It stays longer and it has more time to do its work." explained Tizard.

Just one or two puffs into the nose are enough to get the best results.

"This powder form is more effective than a liquid spray because the nose tends to clear liquid sprays out, while the powder turns into a sticky gel and can be a much more potent vaccine. Also, in this powder form, it can be stored for a long period of time, which is great news if thousands or even millions of doses should be needed in the case of an emergency."

Common aloe (Aloe vera) originates in North Africa and over 400 Aloe species are encountered in Africa and Arabia. The plant's carbohydrates have proper traits for turning into the gel-like stuff required for delivering the vaccine.

"Tests using the new vaccine have been successful in animal trials and tests on humans will begin next year. The plan was to try this first as a vaccine for bird flu in humans because there was an immediate concern there, and there still is the possibility that a widespread bird flu epidemic could break out somewhere in the world. But there is no reason to think this method of vaccine treatment would not work for many other diseases, too. We think it's an exciting breakthrough that has great potential." said Tizard.