Get ready for some classic rock

Dec 9, 2008 08:37 GMT  ·  By

Rock Band is definitely a game that is on a high ascending trend these days, as more and more copies are sold and fans are eagerly anticipating any news on their favorite game. Harmonix, the company behind this title, has already said that fans play a major role in what concerns the game, and that it will offer them the best services as well as continue to bring new songs via the DLC (Downloadable Content) program every week.

After last week's battle with the Guitar Hero pack of DLC, Rock Band is definitely going to come out on top this week, as it has just announced that it will launch a collection from The Singles: 1992-2003 album of the extremely popular No Doubt band. The Gwen Stefani-led group has been responsible for quite a lot of major hits over the years and will surely make plenty of people eager to download this pack.

The track bundle will appear today on the Xbox Live Marketplace and Thursday on the PlayStation Store, being priced at 19.99 dollars, or 1600 Microsoft Points, if you want to buy the whole pack, or 1.99 dollars, or 160 Microsoft points, for any of the songs, individually. Here's the full track list, as found on 1Up, which will surely entice a lot of rockers to download them:

“Just a Girl”  “It's My Life”  “Hey Baby” “Bathwater”  “Sunday Morning”  “Hella Good” “Underneath It All”  “Excuse Me Mr.” “Running” “Spiderwebs”  “Simple Kind of Life”  “Don't Speak” “Ex-Girlfriend”

All in all, some very good songs, which will bring back a lot of memories for those of us who grew up listening to the great voice of Gwen Stefani and who know a lot of songs by heart. Let's just hope that Rock Band will continue to offer the same great music as DLC and that many “couch rockers” will continue to be inspired by these awesome tracks.