The latest version of Nmap can be downloaded from Softpedia

Jul 29, 2013 17:01 GMT  ·  By

Nmap (Network Mapper), an open source tool for network exploration and security auditing that was designed to rapidly scan large networks, is now at version 6.40.

The Nmap application can be used in various other tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring the host or service uptime. Highlights of Nmap 6.40:

• NCAT_PROTO, NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR, NCAT_REMOTE_PORT, NCAT_LOCAL_ADDR and NCAT_LOCAL_PORT environment variables have been added; • Nping now checks for a matching ICMP ID on echo replies; • The ipOps.isPrivate library now considers the deprecated site-local prefix fec0::/10 to be private; • A vulnerability has been closed in one of the 437 NSE scripts; • teamspeak2-version.nse has been added; • The -i option (idle timeout) now works in listen mode, as well as connect mode.

Check out the changelog for a complete list of fixes and new feautures.

Download Nmap 6.40 right now from Softpedia.